Praise God

Praise God

Praise the Lord for volunteer groups who have recently painted, cleaned stairways like never before, prepared food and brought incredible provisions for the guests we serve!  It is exciting to be the Church! We are so blessed when groups or individual volunteers come...
Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

Praise God that we have increasing numbers at our Women’s Day at Family Life Center.  In the last two weeks, we witnessed the salvation of Vanessa and then Samantha.  Hallelujah!  Pray for their discipling and pray for conviction of more women to give their lives to...
Important Announcement

Important Announcement

In the January 2021’s special edition of Prayer Warriors, we included a story “Loyal-Faithful-Sacrificial”.  It was the story of an amazing lady, a servant of the Lord here at the Mission, Diana Fields. Diana is retiring after nearly 32 years of service.  In...