Thank you for supporting UGM!  By supporting us, you’re helping to support individuals, families, and children in our community turn their lives around and find comfort and safety in the Name and power of Jesus Christ.

How to Donate:


Thanksgiving Every Month

THEM is a practical way that your Church can help our Mission once a year. You’ll find it to be a very encouraging time for your Church, as you rally together and collectively gather practical things for Union Gospel Mission.

If you wish to have your church participate in THEM, you can choose any month you wish and pitch it to your church. We can provide promotional materials or we can come to your church and promote it during one of the services. We will also provide a list of the items of which we are in need.

Every Sunday during your chosen month, the members of your church can bring in the items on our list as donations. These items will be brought to UGM at 320 Princess St. at the end of the month.

For more information, please contact Justin:


Typically, we receive funds raise funds through private foundations, the church community, businesses, and private donations. 88% of Union Gospel Mission’s income comes from individuals, churches, and foundation donations. We are partners with you in Christ.

With all funding, we will be working with suppliers to receive the best prices possible when having to purchase new items. In some cases, we will be working with a business supporter of the Mission to purchase items below cost.

For more information, please contact Rosanne:

*Spending of funds is confined to Board Approved Programs and Purchases. Each gift designated toward an approved program will be used as designated, with the understanding that when any given need has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Board, designated gifts will be used where needed most. Gifts are acknowledged and receipted with an official receipt for income tax purposes.

Our Partnerships

Thank you to all of our partners for helping to cover the costs of all our fundraising events and radio advertising.

Without these partners, we could not help those who need us the most.

If you would like to become a Corporate, Banquet, or Radio Sponsor for any event, please Email Us