Current Food Needs

Current Food Needs

We are in need of canned food items, as well as peanut butter. The canned items can include vegetables, fruit, meat, soup, beans, sauce, etc. The need is great in this community for support, and even more so as newcomers arrive in Canada and need assistance. All food...


Missionfest kicks off this evening! Come out and see the displays and catch some of the speakers this weekend. Don’t forget to stop by the UGM booth to say hello and inquire of any opportunities we have! God is at work at Union Gospel Mission and there is so...
Clothing Sorters Needed

Clothing Sorters Needed

We are looking for volunteers to sort the donated clothing for the various ministries of UGM. If you would like to be part of serving our guests in need, please consider giving some time in this way. It could be weekly, monthly or even occasional. We would like you to...