Accountant Opportunity

Accountant Opportunity

We have an exciting opportunity for someone gifted with financial administration skills, to be an integral part of our finance team. Responsibilities: Provide leadership, direction and oversight for all of UGM’s financial records and processes. Work in a team...
The pain is very real

The pain is very real

In just 24 hours….Hurt. A man in our drop in, name is David, shows his amputed finger stumps, one still red and raw, the cost of a winter on the street. He is tough, but it hurts. A man in our addictions recovery program lost his mom on the Monday past. He...
Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

UGM has several opportunities to serve the Lord in different rolls throughout our various ministries. We currently have 3 different chaplaincy opportunities at our 320 Princess location. A casual cook is needed at our Women’s Charis Centre. Our children’s...
Praise & Prayer

Praise & Prayer

Praise God for Mandy. A beautiful woman of God who was baptized last year. She has completed the women’s addiction recovery program, but has requested to attend classes again to catch what she may have missed first time around. In addition, she is taking courses at...