Unique Missionfield

UGM employees are not your typical ‘9:00 – 5:00’, sit behind a desk employees. UGM employees are saved souls called to the Lord’s ministry, making us inner-city missionaries. As in many mission fields, you don’t always get to see the fruits of your labour. At times the work can be challenging and overwhelming, and one is under constant attack by the spiritual world.
Paul reminds us in the Book of Ephesians to make sure we put on the armour of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. The apostle reminds us also to be strong in the Lord and be in the power of His might. What I love about this front line, in the trenches ministry work, is when you don’t think you can carry on any further, our great God will put a situation in front of you reminding you why it is you do the things you do, for Him.
I received an email recently from one of the teachers at our Pritchard campus. This is the email I received.
“Gilbert, today my students finished watching the Jesus video for kids and at the end, it gives viewers a chance to accept Christ. Sofia prayed this prayer last year, and all the rest of my students prayed this prayer today. 9 more names in the Book of Life!!!! Yay!!!”
Upon hearing this wonderful news, along with the angels in Heaven, I was rejoicing. Nine more students being rooted in Christ; these students regardless of age, are thinking about things that have eternal value to them. Many students in the Christian school program come from homes that are riddled with addiction, dysfunction and poor life choices. The main priority of Union Gospel Mission is whatever door or whatever ministry lost souls are coming through, we want to introduce them to Jesus. To God be all the Glory!.
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. Romans 10:17