Why We Walk! Praise the Lord!

The matchless wonder of the love of Jesus is constantly evident at UGM.
On this secular day of romance of February 14th, we have our own true stories of love to share. The matchless wonder of the love of Jesus is constantly evident at UGM. In our chapel service this morning Pastor Gil reminded us that the Lord is not a God at distance, but a personal God who meets us where we are at. Four men in our addictions recovery program were advancing through respective phases today and shared testimony of Gods love for them. There were many nuggets shared from their hearts.
- Kamil – 150 days clean and sober. “I’ve traded the bottle for the Bible”
- Brian – “If I make sense and sound eloquent its not me its Jesus through me”
- Dennis – “I saw the guy who had beaten me and left me for dead in the Drop-In. I found vengeance leave me and a desire to learn to forgive come over me”
- Jonathan- “ I am a soldier for Christ. Doing my second tour here at UGM. But this time its different.”
Each man shared rich testimony. We will be sharing more, probably in our ‘Voices from the Street’ publication later in February. Meanwhile, we have three ladies from Charis Centre being baptized this coming Wednesday. Praise the Lord!
When you see Jesus at work, isn’t it exciting to be a part of the process that equips others to allow the personal God to be served and to serve others?
Share your passion for UGM, invite people to walk & raise funds for these important ministries at UGM!