Addictions are prevalent in society and an issue that affects both women and men. Addictions may affect a woman’s family, health, career and relationships.
Charis Centre has addiction programs that are designed specifically for women. Charis – the Greek work for ‘grace’ reflects our desire to extend God’s grace to each woman who enters a UGM recovery program by offering programs that promote a healthy spiritual, emotional and physical life.
B.R.E.A.T.H.E. (Beginning Recovery Essentials And Therapeutic Healing Endeavors) – Initially women may come to Charis Centre to explore a Christ-centered recovery approach in the BREATHE Program for a minimum of 30 Days. This program offers a well-rounded approach that includes classes on addictions and recovery issues. After completion of this program, women are encouraged to move to the long term Heart Recovery Program.
HEART RECOVERY PROGRAM – The Heart Recovery Program addresses the spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of the recovery process. There are five phases in the one year program:
H – Healing: This phase is the first step in healing and stabilizing one’s life and offers teaching on the mindset of addictions and focuses on the spiritual, emotional and physical health of each program participant.
E – Equipping: Principles and tools are taught to help equip program participants to handle feelings and emotions and increase ability to deal with challenges. Bible study, recovery and life-skill classes equip to begin walking the journey of hope.
A – Accountability: Program participants learn to accept responsibility for choices of past and present behaviour and their subsequent consequences. Regular meetings with Recovery Chaplains take place to provide accountability.
R – Responsibility: Program participants begin to achieve more responsibility during this phase and gain greater opportunity to utilize the recovery program, mentors, friends and chaplains for support. Opportunities for community involvement may be implemented.
T – Transition: Program Participants learn to integrate life-skills that have been acquired and are allowed greater freedom in this final phase as they develop and implement a transition plan and/or second stage or aftercare plan.
Second Stage Recovery Program Options:
- Life transition (3 months)
- School (up to 12 months)
- Opportunities for Employment (6 months)
- UGM Servant Leader Internship (1 year)
To learn more about the programs offered please contact:
ph: 204-415-3934 ext. 514
email: ugm.womens.intake@gospelmission.ca
Applications may also be mailed to PO Box 1073 Stn. Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2X4
or faxed to 1-888-693-3468