This year, as in the past several years, a Winnipeg businessman has generously offered to take care of all the costs associated with helping children from lower-income families enjoy a week of summer camp. So, we’re hoping that we can use his gift to send at least 1500 school-aged children to various Christian Bible camps this summer.
To qualify for this camp ‘sponsorship’, children must meet a few prerequisites. Four, to be exact! They are:
- You must live in Winnipeg. Consideration may be given to children living outside of Winnipeg, but, all in all, the program is intended for Winnipeg children.
- You must come from a lower-income family or be from a family on social assistance. This is intended for families who, normally, cannot afford ‘extras’ such as a week of camp.
- You must be between the ages of 5 and 18 (kindergarten age through to Grade 12). Although the intent of the program is for children who are pre-teen, teenaged school children are also invited to use the sponsorship.
- You cannot be sponsored through another plan, such as the Sunshine Fund. Our desires are to give everyone an opportunity to enjoy a week of camp, so if you’re already going as a result of another program, we’d ask you to give others an opportunity through the one we’re offering.
How to apply
So, you meet all the qualifications – now what? You will need to fill out this form along with a camp application. Please call the Family Life Centre to find out which camp is best suited for you.
Once the form is filled in, you can finish the process by dropping it off at the Family Life Centre:
Family Life Centre
240 Pritchard Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R2W 2J1
Please note – any errors in the completion of the form will result in delays in registering for camp. So, if possible, it’s better to bring the completed form to the Family Life Centre. This gives us a chance to fix any errors right away, and eliminate those unwanted delays!
An important note
Our Family Life Centre staff will work closely with you in determining which camp you will attend. This will help to ensure that camp spaces are filled up properly. Although you can indicate your camp of preference, you may hear from us regarding which camp you will be actually attending. We are confident that whatever camp you go to, you’ll love it!
Available camps
We are partnering with several camps again this summer. Here they are. Bussing is provided to most of the camps. The exception is noted with an asterisk. You can visit the camps online by clicking on the name.
- Calvary Temple Camp
- Camp Arnes
- Camp Nutimik
- Circle Square Ranch
- Faith Bible Camp
- Gimli Bible Camp
- Manitoba Pioneer Camp
- Roseau River Bible Camp
- Valley View Bible Camp
- * Winkler Bible Camp
*Busing is not available for this camp this year
A final note
Whatever camp you’ll go to this summer, you’ll not only have a great time, but your life may be changed! In previous years, many campers have come to Jesus Christ and made further decisions of commitment. Lots of fun, great food, hanging out with friends (new & old), getting to know Jesus – what else can you pack into one week?
If you have any questions about camp this year:
Call us at (204) 586-7790 ext. 301.
Or, email us at camp@gospelmission.ca.
Or, better yet, drop in and visit – we’re at 240 Pritchard Avenue!