Restoring our Christian heritage. St Patrick.

A cursory inquiry of people today of the life of St Patrick and what this day to honour his memory is about, will seldom if ever, reveal a knowledge of who this 5th century man of God was.
An intentional search of the internet will reveal a powerful and illuminating prayer. “Saint Patrick’s “Breastplate” Prayer.
The search will reveal that the man has a history to the origin of the music “Slane” and the much loved hymn, “Be Thou My Vision”. We will discover how St. Patrick stood for Jesus with a huge bonfire as a beacon tribute to the Light of the World when the authorities of his day, wanted a contrary ‘tribute’ of no light, no fire for a day, to honour some mystical redundant god. Darkness.
Then there is the Hymn of St. Patrick. This man who brought Christianity to Ireland. “Christ with, in, behind, before, beside me; to win, to comfort ,to restore, beneath, above, in quiet, in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.”
What has this to do with UGM? Simply sit in a prayer meeting with 5 transforming, redeemed, saved and broken men who KNOW THE TRUTH OF CHRIST, as poignant and as rich, and alive as it was when St Patrick walked the Irish ways, sharing Jesus. We stand with those who are sold out to Jesus Christ of Him who we call Saviour and Lord.
Happy St Patrick’s Day!