Precious Conversations

I’ve been blessed with driving a couple of students to school, and driving them home after class. The Pritchard campus is without a bus driver, and is fervently looking for a qualified driver. I do home visits and build relationships with the parents, however, I don’t always have that opportunity with students. The Pritchard location is a little different, whereas I can meet and get to know the students on a more personal basis.
While driving these two students to and from school, there have been many interesting conversations. These conversations have ranged from small talk (“what are you doing this weekend”), to life changing talks. I have been asking and sharing the life changing Gospel message of our Lord Jesus. To my surprise, both students are familiar with the Gospel, they have been taught well in their classrooms. Both students come from homes where the name Jesus is not mentioned very often. While talking about what a friend we have in Jesus, my prayer is that the Lord will use what these children have learned and share the gospel with their unsaved family members. It certainly would not be the first time that our Lord has used a child to get the Gospel message to a parent!
Gilbert Plante, Family Ministries Manager