Family Life Centre

UGM has an intentional ministry to families in Winnipeg’s North End. This happens out of our Family Life Centre, located on Pritchard Avenue.
Wednesday is the ‘big day’ there – as many as 70 ladies will come by the building for a program that starts in the morning and ends in the early afternoon. Coffee is served, fellowship is enjoyed, and is followed by a time of Worship, Bible study and prayer. Just before noon, a chapel service takes place and then a hot lunch, prepared and served by volunteers is eagerly gobbled up by those who have taken part in the morning activities. A prayer table is also set up for those ladies who desire to be prayed for and who may want to talk further about anything that they have heard throughout the morning.
Wednesday – Ladies’ Day – doors open at 10 a.m. Bible study 10:30, followed by Chapel. Doors close at 11:30 a.m. Lunch is served following Chapel and the clothing room is open and all who attend may take food bags home.
For those ladies attending who have children, child care is provided.
Smaller group Bible studies and prayer times take place on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons. As if the study and prayer weren’t enough, coffee & desserts are also served! Child care is provided for these get-togethers as well.
Tuesday and Thursday – Bible study, doors open at 1 p.m. Study 1:30-2:30 p.m.
There is a clothing depot at the Family Life Centre, and it is open following the activities of Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Free clothing for ladies & children can be found at this depot.
Monday & Friday of each week are used by our Family Life Centre staff to make visits with individuals and families in the community. From time to time, a prayer table is set up on the sidewalk outside the Centre, where people walking by can stop to be prayed for. This is usually a seasonal thing – prayer may be a great thing, but not outside, when it’s 40 below!
Although much of the focus of FLC is towards women and children, men are not ignored. Any man desiring to be prayed with, or who would like advice or counsel, can call Gilbert at 586-7790 to set up a time to meet.
The Centre is opened Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 4pm. Feel free to drop by if you’d like to visit – our staff is happy to pray with you, to talk with you, and help you in whatever way they can.