Children’s / Camp Ministry

Children’s / Camp Ministry

It is so important to reach children with the Gospel – the earlier the better!  Those that work with children will say that character, habits, etc. are already determined at the age of 5!  So, we feel that it is important to share Christ with children & youth wherever (and as soon as) possible.

We run various ministries geared for children (ages 5 to 12) out of our Family Life Centre in Winnipeg’s North End.  Here is an overview of what they are:

Kids’ Clubs

We run children’s clubs Monday to Friday – 3:30pm to 5:00pm

We offer the after-school Drop-In time for children age 5 to 12.  Snacks are provided, games are played, and Bible verses are memorized.  Fun is had by all!

Camp Sponsorship Program

A camp sponsorship program is run out of the Family Life Centre.  A generous gift from a Winnipeg businessman allows us to help 1500 children to attend one week of camp at various Bible camps within a 2-hour radius of Winnipeg.  These children come from Winnipeg homes where the ‘luxury’ of a week at camp is beyond the family’s financial means.  More details on this can be found by clicking HERE.

We are greatly encouraged by the number of children that come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour through the ministries of the Family Life Centre.

A Note to Churches

Can you help us find children to send us to camp?  Are there children in your communities who fit the above criteria?  Are there areas in your community you can take this opportunity to?  If so, let us know, and we’ll get information kits and invitations out to you to help you promote this.  

Call Angela at 204-586-7790 ext. 301, or email