Upcoming Events

We will regularly update this page with the events we’re running around the city. Check back regularly to keep in touch!
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- 124 Hour Prayer12:00 am - 6:00 pmJoin the staff and volunteers for a time of Prayer and Praise to our Almighty God. We believe that prayer is powerful and that through Jesus, we have direct access to the very throne room of God! We are coming before the Lord to praise Him for who He is and all the good He has done. We are also entering boldly into His , ...
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- 11UGM on the Road – Selkirk10:00 am - 3:00 pmJesus is so busy at Union Gospel Mission that we find ourselves unable to keep news of His activity to ourselves. Social media, magazine publications, emails… there is nothing quite like sitting across a table, face to face, & hearing and witnessing first hand, the transforming work & grace of our Lord Jesus. ‘ , ...
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- 29UGM Steinbach Spring Supper6:30 pm - 8:30 pmWe are hosting a spring supper in Steinbach, free for all, where we are sharing what Jesus is doing at UGM! Please RSVP to Rosanne at 204-943-9904, ext. 226, or email rosanne.mclellan@gospelmission.ca. This event will include: -A free catered meal -Worship in song -Fellowship with other UG , ...
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