Current Daily Needs

Current Daily Needs

Each and every day we serve those who have no place to call their home, or are struggling to meet their daily needs. We see people who want their needs met come to our door 24/7. Now as the weather cools off especially overnight, there are consistent things that are...
Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

We have 2 opportunities to serve the Lord at UGM. Women’s Ministry Leader UGM Family Life Centre is looking for someone who would like to utilize her skills and experiences in coordinating the Women’s Programs in this full time position.  For details of this...
Christmas Gift Bags

Christmas Gift Bags

We are Collecting for our guests at our Community Christmas Dinner. Drop off is at 320 Princess by December 20th, or earlier if possible. We would like to collect small gift bags for each person coming to our Community Christmas Dinner.  We expect about 300 guests to...
UGM Youth Worship Night

UGM Youth Worship Night

Friday, October 18th at 7:00 pm Please plan to bring your Church Youth Group or your Teens to UGM’s Youth Worship Event, brought together with Miller College of the Bible! It will be held at the North Kildonan MB Church, 1315 Gateway Rd. Wpg. Live Music –...