Important Announcement

In the January 2021’s special edition of Prayer Warriors, we included a story “Loyal-Faithful-Sacrificial”. It was the story of an amazing lady, a servant of the Lord here at the Mission, Diana Fields.
Diana is retiring after nearly 32 years of service. In that time, she has overseen the hugely responsible task of ensuring the funding for 7 ministries is handled judiciously and accurately. To know Diana is to know that she insists on accountability from all staff, both full time and part time.
To know Diana is to know the consummate professional, a credit to the Lord’s work, and a wonderful resource to the several Executive Directors she has worked with during her tenure here. To know Diana is to know her love story and her marriage to Wayne (now with the Lord). To know Diana is to know her love for beauty; the beauty of colour, of tapestry, of embroidery, of nature and of order ( Diana is a wonderful advertisement for coordination! ). To know Diana is to know that Jesus is her driving force and to serve Him the most critical aspect of service.
Over the years, Diana has probably heard and witnessed some 10,000 plus salvations and transformed lives. She has probably recorded and monitored over 1200 guests in addictions recovery. She would have been aware of the costs to serve over 3 million meals. She would have received countless phone calls and donations from many of you on copy of this email. We love Diana. We will miss Diana.
If you have an opportunity to remember to lift this special lady to the Lord in prayer for the next chapter in her life, would you please do so? Thank you!
Lets celebrate all that is good, all that is of the Lord! All glory needs to be given to our Father in heaven. ( see Isaiah 48 vs 11 )
P.S. As Diana departs, so opportunities for advancement emerge, and a position for a new staff person needs filling. If that person is you, please have a look at the Job Description.
We also see the need for volunteers who have the gift of administration and the passion to work in an office environment where Jesus is served. If you would like to serve as a volunteer, click on the Volunteer Application.