2022 Walk-a-Thon

It is UGM’s third year of participating in “Coldest Night of The Year” walk-a-thon to raise funds for the Mission. I confess, I don’t think we want any more “Cold Nights” such as the minus 48C with windchill the other week. But, contrast that with the warmth of fellowship and the knowledge of supporting the Lord’s work here in Winnipeg and assisting others across the nation, then the month of February offers a great opportunity to participate!
In 2021 we were staggered by the support we received. In fact we are constantly staggered by the Lord’s provision and His incredible love for those we serve.
There are no better supporters in the world than those who help us administer love and care to the hungry, impoverished, maligned and addicted people that come through our doors at UGM. The response to the good news of Jesus, the good news of salvation, is always thrilling. To know that we have your backing and prayers is so critical and so exciting.
We are in the throes of offering 2 or 3 options in February for the walk-a-thon. We will hopefully be posting those thoughts very soon. ( COVID rules are part the delay…).
Jesus is the reason! Jesus is the answer! Nobody but Jesus! Can we come together for a walk? Would be lovely to meet you and special to know you are willing to take part, either in person on Feb. 26th if possible, or virtually in your own area.
Thank you!
Here follows the website link for details and to sign up: https://cnoy.org/location/winnipegnorthdowntown